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"ChatGPT That Deciphers Trends and IR of Japanese Stocks ~ Japanese Stock Navigator GPTs ~"

Custom ChatGPT for Analyzing Trends and IR of Japanese Stocks ~Japan Stock Navigator GPTs~

Recommended for

  • Those who want to know the trends of Japanese stocks
  • Those who want explanations of IR and news
  • Those who want to consult about the future prospects of Japanese stocks

"Want to start stock investing but need someone to consult with"

"Honestly, I don't understand the significance of the news or IR even after reading them"

Do you have any concerns related to stock investment like these?

This time, I would like to introduce the Japan Stock Navigator GPTs that can answer all your questions about Japanese stocks.

Actually, I want someone to consult about stock investment, but...

  • It’s a hassle to ask someone from a securities company (feels like they will try to sell products)
  • I don't want to ask friends (don't want them to know I'm into stocks)

But still, I need someone to consult with!
This GPTs is designed to solve these concerns.

●Japan Stock Navigator

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Overview of Japan Stock Navigator GPTs

"ChatGPT That Deciphers Trends and IR of Japanese Stocks ~ Japanese Stock Navigator GPTs ~"
Let’s take a look at what Japan Stock Navigator GPTs is.

The overview of this GPTs is as follows.

It supports your stock investment by summarizing trends of Japanese stocks, related stocks, and IR.

So, when you search for the trends of Japanese stocks or related stocks, it will tell you about the stocks.

What personally helped me was that it summarizes information like IR and tells you whether the information is positive or negative for stock prices, which was very helpful.

I see, this feature is great for beginners

Now, let’s see what the Japan Stock Navigator can actually do!

Using Japan Stock Navigator GPTs


First, let's ask about the related stocks of semiconductors, which are booming with generative AI.


Me:Tell me about semiconductor-related stocks.

Japan Stock Navigator: 

Here are some notable semiconductor-related stocks. These are Japan’s major semiconductor-related companies, and I will explain each one with its characteristics and current situation.

  • Renesas Electronics (6723)
  • Tokyo Electron (8035)
  • Lasertec (6920)
    • Characteristics: A global leader in mask blanks inspection equipment, solely supplying next-generation EUV lithography equipment.
    • Market Cap: Approximately 3.8 trillion yen
    • Dividend Yield: 0.8% (Measures and Evaluation:
      1. Restructuring existing businesses and strengthening the business foundation
      2. Enhancing financial base and strategic investments
      3. Expanding business through capital and business alliances and M&A
      4. Enhancing shareholder returns

      As part of these measures, they are developing a voice recognition engine, conducting marketing activities, recruiting personnel, and strengthening IR activities. However, despite a 16.4% year-on-year increase in consolidated sales to 889.515 million yen for the fiscal year ending March 2024, the company posted an operating loss and an ordinary loss, and the market capitalization did not meet the listing maintenance standards.
      Future Challenges and Measures:

      • Achieving sustainable growth: Actively promoting main products and enhancing corporate value through M&A and business alliances.
      • Executing investments: Appropriate investments in research and development, marketing activities, and human resource development.
      • Promoting IR activities: Increasing opportunities for dialogue with investors and strengthening information dissemination.

      Impact on Stock Price

      Positive Factors:

      • Clarification of Growth Strategy: Efforts to strengthen main products and enhance corporate value through M&A can positively impact the stock price in the long term.
      • Strengthening IR Activities: Increasing dialogue opportunities with investors and enhancing information dissemination can restore investor trust and push up the stock price.

      Negative Factors:

      • Instability in Performance: Continuous posting of operating losses and a low market capitalization can undermine investor trust and negatively impact the stock price in the short term.
      • Failure to Meet Listing Maintenance Standards: The inability to meet the market capitalization standard raises concerns about maintaining the listing, which can put pressure on the stock price.

      Thank you for summarizing!

So, they also summarized the IR.
For those who have to read many IRs during earnings season but have limited time, this feature is optimal.

It’s also very helpful for investment beginners who might not understand if the information is positive or negative for the stock price. Asking GPTs will provide them with hints!

I wish I had this feature when I was a beginner...

That was my personal thought after testing Case2.


Lastly, for Case3, I will ask for high-dividend stocks, which might interest those looking for stable dividends.

Me:Please tell me the stocks with high dividend yields.

Japanese Stock Navigator:

Here are the top 10 Japanese stocks with high dividend yields as of June 2024. These stocks offer attractive dividend yields for investors.

  1. United (2497) - Dividend Yield: 6.14%, Dividend per Share: 48 yen, Minimum Investment Amount: 78,100 yen
  2. MIRARTH Holdings (8897) - Dividend Yield: 6.13%, Dividend per Share: 30 yen, Minimum Investment Amount: 48,900 yen
  3. RASAM (8890) - Dividend Yield: 5.97%, Dividend per Share: 196 yen, Minimum Investment Amount: 328,000 yen
  4. Meitec Group Holdings (9744) - Dividend Yield: 5.93%, Dividend per Share: 188 yen, Minimum Investment Amount: 316,800 yen

(omitted below)
These stocks offer high dividends, making them attractive to investors seeking stable cash flow. However, please make your investment decisions based on your own judgment​ (Diamond Online) (Yahoo! Finance)​.


I see, I’ll use it as a reference for my investments. Thank you for telling me!

Japanese Stock Navigator:

You're welcome! I'm happy to help. Good luck with your investments. If you have any questions, feel free to ask anytime!

So, they provided stocks with high dividend yields.

They also mentioned the minimum investment amount, making it very useful for those who want to start with small amounts and prefer a stable approach.

Impressions after Using It

I tested the Japanese Stock Navigator GPTs with three different cases.

My impressions after using it are:

Key Points

  • GPTs friendly to stock market beginners
  • Helps you when you are tired of reading IRs
  • Can immediately search for related stocks

So, it seems to be a very convenient GPTs for addressing stock investment concerns and consultations.

Personally, I found it very helpful when encountering unknown genres or terms in IRs. There were times when I gave up on reading (← must try harder lol), but this GPTs summarizes the contents and informs about the impact on stock prices, which is very useful.

It also seems versatile for day trading to immediately search for related stocks and other uses.

Recommended for These People

So, here’s the summary of the content.

The Japanese Stock Navigator GPTs are recommended for the following people.

Recommended for These People

  • People new to stock investment who want someone to consult
  • People who don’t have time to read IRs and news thoroughly
  • People who want to know stocks they can easily invest in

These people might find this GPTs very easy to try.

GPTs are available for free users, so feel free to try them out first.

This concludes the introduction of this GPTs.

We hope to bring you more useful information about GPTs and ChatGPT. See you next time!

Thank you for reading.

●Japanese Stock Navigator

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-GPTs, 株式投資